
Oct 29, 2009

How to beat the recession: Why you need to put up prices, pay slower and sack staff |

How to beat the recession: Why you need to put up prices, pay slower and sack staff

Oct 28, 2009

Cloud computing: Clash of the clouds | The Economist

In the next link I am spreading a fine article published at,
Cloud computing: Clash of the clouds The Economist

Do you think we are at the beginning of a new era on operating systems? Personally, I bet for a convergence or standaritation, and you?

Oct 27, 2009

Microsoft vs Google appls

"IT leaders trust Microsoft more than Google, 2-to-1" is the last Jason Hiner's headline post  where shows in very straigh way the poll among their selected IT staff question them "Microsoft or Google apps?".

The final score is a clear Google defeat against Microsoft in terms of reliability, confidence and forecast. Almost anyone assure on their testimonies that do not worry expend more money if they can receive a more reliable product.

In my humble opinion, the considered terms from above must be seen as the current market trends in terms of business software by us. This two major trends are the pay-per-license packages and the free software, comparing Microsoft and google apps. we are really analysing one sample of each trend.

Our current market crisis is setting up the need of very accurate, accesible and updated data for achieving goals and getting adavantages in front of a real financing and affordable situation.

I actually know everything said before is nothing new and is well explained in several places, but I did not find a global perspective which show us the way the things are going to go. In the following lines I will describe in a few words the merge between business software and business trends by sectors.

First of all, I am very impressed by the book "The long tail" wrote by Chris Anderson and my view right now is divided in two main sectors: Big Mass Market-business and Focused-business. Yes, I am saying that the current mid-size market is going to fading to became a divided Focused-business. And how fits this into the business software? Big mass market will run more or less like now using the well-know pay-per-licensed packages and improving with top IT providers in the market (SAP, Microsoft, Oracle,....). It will be in the "Focused-business" where we will need easy and cheap software very accurate and solving unique ninche problems.

Summarizing, I think Google (free software) will not be accepted in the current Mass market being on "Focused-business" where lies its hugh earnings. On the other hand, Microsoft will be still up on its current market.

Whate do you think?

Oct 23, 2009

Starting up

I will like to start up my professional blog with something aamazing enough for clarifying that despite I am focus in business management, we actually live in a global and complete relationed world and for succed in any field of our work live.

I encourage all of you to see this video ( and write your comments (It is friday, we will work back on monday ;).
