
May 24, 2012

The evolution and economics of human relationships

This post is quite out of the topic (or maybe not) but I really feeled it very instructive in order to see and identify (and acts in correspondence) vendors and customer behaviours.

Which behaviours have you detected?

Plese do not forget to leave your opions below.

Mar 19, 2012

How much important do you feel is to work with facts and forecast all together?


Feb 27, 2012

2012 Mobile World Congress

This year, I will follow the Mobile World Congress again. For a best and quick cover about what I found interesting for this blog and their readers I will introduce a tool which I have recently found called Storify.

That's showed below:

Jan 12, 2012

About Cloud computing for 2012 (....and why Gartner was wrong)

As promised, here it comes the second part about my thoughts about Gartner 2012 Top Tech Trends. How is it possible Cloud computing has fallen until 10th place? How to explain top trends like tablets will work and provide their expected added value from the cloud but cloud is less important?

Today, January 11th, BBVA has published its commitment to use GoogleApps for their whole staff workers. One of the largest bank in the world will move this year to the cloud!!!  This is a huge notice for those who believe in an IT's future guided by methodologies and good practices and cloud computing.

Honestly, I thought this day would come in a few years and with a very slow, long and carefully defined roadmap for moving all the heavy IT bank's machinery, managing the different interests surround and avoiding risks as much as possible.

It's easy to catch BBVA's expansion on the American market specially at States and Canada where its expected growth is going greater (despite their wide and long work on Latam), and I can detect a very detailed revenue study about this American growth and their benefits betting on Google's infrastructure already mature and settled at the States and provide a greater profit.

Coming from a technology field of expertise, I predict an initial backward in terms of applications look-and-feel and a certain functional fall, talking always about my previous experience and with no detailed knowledge about BBVA tech. I also bet on a huge investment on applications integration and process functionality which will show us a new peak to achieve with GoogleApps.

Against reactions appeared, close fiasco on Los Angeles Police department, who recently have leaved GoogleApps, might show to BBVA not to repeat the same mistakes and become successful.

From this humble blog I support BBVA showed bravery and my best wishes to José Olalla (BBVA CIO).