TABASA is the acronym for "Túnels i accessos a Barcelona S.A" (Tunnels and accesses to Barcelona Inc.). This large company works on facility and infrastructures management being in charge of several highway concession exploitations and the management of two main tunnels on Catalonia. Apart from these, Tabasa is involved in huge projects of public construction becoming one of the most dynamic and successful company nowadays in Europe.
My work there consisted in define, build up and automate the whole bunch of functions where Tabasa is featuring in always from the economic and financial perspective and through the full life cycle performance (previous study, exploitation, continuous improvement and finalize).
Despite how large and deep our labor was, we can summarize in three main topics, such as:
Despite how large and deep our labor was, we can summarize in three main topics, such as:
- Financial and Economic Planning, like any public concessionaire, Tabasa must provide a viability plan which guarantee its performing as long as the concession endures. In addition this performing could be shown for each single concession, for any given collection (partial consolidation) or for the totality (full consolidated).
- Departamental and Investment Budgeting, like any other company in these tough times is focus on an accurate expenses both on departamental budgets and investment projects. In this field we alligned different budgeting subjects with their related real data (accounting settlements, manual data,...) linked to accurate forecasting functions applied. The result is an very predictible system which help Tabasa in their analysis and decisions.
- Treasury planning, in order to keep the whole company financial department work life cycle only remains to include the treasury performing which take care about all the cash flows of the company. Based in our two previous points allignment and adding single information about cash operations we configured the treasury planning for as long as the company exists.
As a result of all our work, I feel very exited in fullfill a desired "accrual-cash flow" performing which connects day-a-day performing of the company with financial resources making a more profitable company everyday with better decisions.