
Nov 11, 2011

My two cents about Top 10 tech trends for 2012

It was almost a month ago when Gartner presented at its symposium ITXpro its "Top 10 strategic tech trends for 2012". The picture below shows that decologue and its order:

Since now I have been gathering different opions (I strongly recomend Jason Hiner's one) and making some inquiries about them and how to really impact on my customers, environment and me.

It is irrefutable the fact that tablets and whatever surounds them will be the most growing field on technology for the next year. Join to the tablets we will find all the necesary software for improve and achive the user experience with all mobiles devices in general (points 1 and 2).

In my eyes Contextual  and social user experience keeps their previous years importance hiding the next upgraded which will put on top of tech trends for the next year. "Which upgraded are you waiting for?" may you wonder, and my personal answer for the question is "move from text to action".

Following with the pros, I understand everything on infraestructure is going down on importance (8 and 9 positions) but I guess an estable field on infraestructure keeps working on their offer started years ago with cloud computing and virtualitation.

Nevertheless, after 5 points of agreement we come along with Desagrees

In my humble opinion, Internet of things and App stores are over-evaluated for the next year. I don't feel importants improvements on those fields but we will feel better experiences on app stores. In relation with Internet of things, I can't see a proper moment for them.

In my eyes, Big data bloom and new analytics are under-estimated but for me will be much more important big data than new analytics (despite Gartner prediction). My opion is based in the fact that new analytics will come along after results on big data improvements.

I think that my absolutly disappointment with Cloud computing forecast for 2012 deserve a entire post for better comprenhension.

Keep tuned and do not forget to leave your comments below


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